Compass Investors

About Us

We offer you a clear financial advantage, regardless of
your experience, age or portfolio size to empower you
to take control of your financial future.

Our Company

Compass Investors is an independent, privately-held provider of mutual fund and ETF investment analysis. We do not sell investment vehicles (stocks, mutual funds, annuities, etc.) and do not receive compensation from any mutual fund company, brokerage firm or any other organization that sell the investments we analyze.


"To safely guide anyone towards defining and attaining realistic retirement income security".
Adaptive Asset Allocation

Investing Philosophy

Take control of your financial future and be careful not to underestimate the amount of money needed to maintain a quality standard of living in retirement.
Adaptive Asset Allocation

Retirement Goal

Maintain 100% of your pre-retirement income each year during your retirement.
Adaptive Asset Allocation


Compass Investors was founded in 2004. Our breakthrough HORIZONTM service emerged from the prior 5 years of extensive study and analysis of investing strategies conducted at the Compass Institute.
Adaptive Asset Allocation

Leadership Team

Our team of forward-thinking professionals is what makes Compass Investors truly effective, offering clients the opportunity to achieve better investment results and, ultimately, obtain true Retirement Income Security.
Adaptive Asset Allocation
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Client Testimonials

There seems to be little doubt about how well subscribers to the 401(k)
trading service from compass Investors in Kenilworth, III., have fared."

Jason Zweig The Wall Street Journal (9/7/13)

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