Put yourself in the driver's seat

Let the 401k CONTROLTM approach be your roadmap
to take your investing to the next level.


Put yourself in the driver's seat

Let the 401k CONTROLTM approach be your roadmap
to take your investing to the next level.

Take Control Of Your Retirement Plan Investments

Compass Investors provides you with the information you need to make better-informed investment decisions that can lead to better results without the high fees.

Every five weeks we will send you a 401k CONTROLTM Action Report that ranks the five major investment categories (US and international stocks, fixed income, commodities and cash) from strongest to weakest. Additionally, you will see the rankings for the top five stock market sectors. You may use these rankings to decide in which of your account's mutual fund choices to invest.

History suggests that long-term performance improvement can come when you purposefully keep the majority of your money invested in the highest-ranked asset class. Not only may this improve your performance when things are going well, but more importantly, it may help you mitigate devastating losses during down markets.

We make this EASY

The 401k CONTROLTM Action Report quickly and easily shows the relative performance of each major Asset Class ("1" in the figure below) and its corresponding Favored Category ("2"). Sector scores ("4") allow you to diversify your Domestic Equities investments when such choices are available in your plan.

Once you have selected the Adaptive Asset Allocation Portfolio most appropriate for your situation ("3" in the figure below), you may use your employer benefits or other financial website to align your account holdings according to the percentages shown for each asset class and market sector (when available).

Sample 401k CONTROLTM Action Report

[1] Asset Class (Score)

The relative ranking of the five major asset classes with 100-points being assigned to the highest performing asset class.

[2] Favored Category

How you may focus your investments within each corresponding broader asset class.

[3] Adaptive Asset Allocation Portfolios

Based on your personal investment risk, the percentage of your portfolio you may consider investing in each asset class.

[4] Top 5 Domestic Equity Mutual Fund Sectors

Market sector choices you may use to further refine your investments within the Domestic Equities asset class.


Stay On The Right Side Of Major Performance Trends

We believe that with the right market information you can—and should—call your own shots regarding your retirement plan investment decisions. Your investment process needn't be "right" about all things, but it does need to be right about the things that matter over time—being on the proper side of major performance trends.

The ability to understand your retirement plan options and control the risk you take with your retirement money allows you to react unemotionally to a rising and falling stock market instead of guessing at what to do next.

For just $10 per month your subscription to 401k CONTROLTM gives you the following every five weeks:


Market Data

The Action Report summarizes market data valued at over $1,200 per year.


Risk Management

You can choose from one of three risk-adjusted investment portfolios.


Trend Focused

Our report frequency encourages staying aligned with major market trends.

Stay On The Right Side Of Major Performance Trends

We believe that with the right information you can call your own shots regarding your retirement plan investment decisions. Your investment process needn't be "right" about all things, but it does need to be right about the things that matter over time—being on the proper side of major performance trends.

The ability to understand your retirement plan options and control the risk you take with your retirement money allows you to react unemotionally to a rising and falling stock market instead of guessing at what to do next.

For just $10 per month your subscription to 401k CONTROLTM gives you the following every five weeks:

    icon-1 line icon-2 line icon-3

Market Data

The Action Report summarizes market data valued at over $1,200 per year.

Risk Management

You can choose from one of three risk-adjusted investment portfolios.

Trend Focused

Our report frequency encourages staying aligned with major market trends.

Next Action Report Issue Date:

Tuesday, January 21 (5 Days)

Frequently Asked Questions

faqHow much does 401k CONTROLTM cost?

The service costs $10 per month. Annual, semiannual and quarterly payment options are also available.

We want our subscribers to be 100% satisfied with our service. So, if at any point during your first 60 days as a subscriber you decide the 401k CONTROLTM service is not for you, just let us know and we will provide you with a 100% refund of any fees paid.

faqAre there any additional fees?

There are no additional fees for our service. However, you must be aware and follow any trading rules that may be imposed by your employer benefits or financial firm. But, since the vast majority of funds can be traded every 30 days, and we publish our analysis every 35 days (5 weeks), as long as you make your desired account changes during the week our analysis is published, you should not have any issues with additional trading fees.

faqIs there a minimum amount needed to start?

No. You can benefit from the 401k CONTROLTM service regardless of your account size. For smaller, non-employer accounts, minimum purchase rules may apply, in which case you can put your money in the highest scoring asset class until your account grows sufficiently in size.

faqHow do 401k CONTROLTM and HORIZONTM differ?

The HORIZONTM service provides specific investment amounts for EACH FUND CHOICE in your account. The service is available only to the employer plans, mutual fund families and brokerage firms we currently support.

The 401k CONTROLTM service provides specific investment percentage amounts for the five major ASSET CLASSES. You choose from one of the three risk-based portfolios and then use the asset class information to identify which fund choices to invest in and how much to invest in each one. The 401k CONTROLTM service also includes dial-in access to a Market Update conference call every five weeks.

faqWhat if I am already retired?

The information provided is valuable regardless of your age or account size. As you get older you may wish to consider one of the more conservative Adaptive Asset Allocation Portfolios that keep a larger percentage of your money invested in cash and fixed-income funds.

faqWhat personal information do you need?

We keep your primary contact information (i.e., email and mailing address, telephone numbers) on file. You will select a confidential user name and password that will be encrypted for your protection. We never ask for any confidential account information such as balances and account numbers. We do not keep any payment information on file as that is handled by a secure third party payment provider.

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