Compass Investors Horizon | Adaptive Asset Allocation

CONCERNED you will outlive your savings?

INVESTING in a 401(k), 403(b), or IRA?
CONFUSED by all the investment choices?

"It is our business to help simplify your life by
simplifying your investing."


New realities require new solutions

Millions of Americans are discovering they haven't saved enough to afford the kind of retirement they had hoped for and deserve.

Why? Because the investment return of traditional strategies is insufficient to provide for today's reality of longer retirements and increased life expectancies.

Are you headed for a secure retirement?

Our Retirement Outlook Calculator will help you answer these four important questions about the savings that are under your control.

  1. AT WHAT AGE can you safely retire?
  2. Will you have the RETIREMENT LIFESTYLE you desire?
  3. Are you SAVING enough?
  4. Is your INVESTMENT RETURN high enough?

Make the Most of What you Have

No matter how old you are or how much money you've saved, a HIGHER INVESTMENT RETURN will grow your hard-earned savings significantly faster and larger.

Click on the Find Your Retirement Outlook button below to start.

Find Your Retirement Outlook Start Free Trial

Introducing Adaptive Asset AllocationTM (AAA)

Compass Investors created the HORIZONTM AAA service to help investors achieve a better investment return for their accounts‒currently over 12%‒by adjusting their holdings more frequently to take advantage of current market conditions.

These regular adjustments have historically produced greater gains in good times and less loss in bad times, leading to higher long‒term investment returns.

Since 1997, Compass Investors' HORIZONTM investment service has been helping subscribers achieve returns superior to any traditional strategy (e.g., Balanced, Life-Cycle, Target Date funds).

Below is a snapshot of businesses where customers and employees are using our service to manage their investments.

  • Accenture

  • Bank of America

  • Coca-Cola

  • Cisco

  • Ernst & Young

  • Fidelity Investments

  • IBM

  • KPMG

  • Merck

  • Microsoft

  • Charles Schwab

  • Vanguard

What Others Have Said About HORIZONTM

"There seems to be little doubt about how well subscribers to the Compass Investors 401(k) trading service in Kenilworth, IL have fared."

Jason Zweig


"I believe your service to be life changing. Horizon's performance is outstanding and positioning me to achieve a secure retirement."

Peggy Beavers ([email protected])

"The service is straight forward, uncomplicated and very structured. From my view point the price value of the service is outstanding.""

Robert J. Porter ([email protected])

"The Action Reports are always on time, the tools are simple to use and the results have been phenomenal. An important part of the program for me is that I'm still in control."

Deanna Morenzoni ([email protected])

View All Testimonials

HORIZONTM Helps and Here's How

Subscribers use HORIZONTM to ADAPT their accounts to
market direction, maximizing gains and minimizing loss.

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Better Results

Long-term growth 2-3 times larger than a traditional retirement approach.

Specific Guidance

Objective analysis tailored to your own investment choices.

Superior Value

The highest quality for the lowest price in the industry.

HORIZONTM Helps and Here's How

Subscribers use HORIZONTM
to ADAPT their accounts to market direction,
maximizing gains and minimizing loss.


Better Results

Long-term growth 2-3 times larger than a traditional retirement approach.


Specific Guidance

Objective analysis tailored to your own investment choices.


Superior Value

The highest quality for the lowest price in the industry.

We make this EASY

Successful investing is not difficult or expensive. It really is as simple as knowing which funds are trending up or down and then investing accordingly.

Every five weeks, the HORIZONTM service provides an "Action Report" that quickly shows YOUR fund choices best suited for current market conditions. Our "Model Portfolio" provides suggested percentages for each fund. You apply this information following our easy-to-use instructions to make changes directly to your own account. And we provide tools that you can use to fine-tune the Model Portfolio to your own preferences if so desired.

Sample Action Report Model Portfolio

[1] YOUR Investment Choices.

Your employer's retirement plan investment choices. For non-employer plans, a well-diversified list of funds selected by Compass Investors.

[2] The Score.

A relative performance measurement for each choice compared to all the other choices.

[3] HORIZONTM Model Portfolio Allocation.

The percentage of a total portfolio to invest in each investment choice.

[4] Asset Class.

The asset class assigned to that investment choice.


You can use HORIZONTM to self-manage supported employer retirement plans and IRA accounts at supported mutual fund families and brokerage firms. Click your choice below to see a list of supported companies.
NOTE: If you do not see your company listed you can use our 401k CONTROLTM service or contact us for more information.

Next Action Report Issue Date:

Monday, November 11 (20 Days)

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does HORIZON cost?
  • Regular: If your plan's balance is GREATER than $10,000 when you subscribe, the service costs $600 per year billed annually. Semiannual, quarterly and monthly payment options are available.
  • JumpStart: If you have a plan balance of LESS than $10,000, you can subscribe to our Jump StartTM program offering you the service for just $300 per year for your first THREE years (or $360 per year on the monthly or quarterly plan)—a savings of up to $1,080!

Both programs are covered by our Loyalty Pricing Guarantee—what you pay per year when you first subscribe will be the same as what you pay every year, for as long as you remain a subscriber.

Click here to learn about all the advantages of our subscription-based service that make HORIZONTM an even better value.

According to our most recent Customer Satisfaction survey, 97% of our subscribers reported that they feel that the HORIZONTM service is "well worth the fees paid."

Are there hidden fees?

No, provided you do not violate any of the stated rules for funds. The vast majority of funds can be bought or sold once every 30 days. Since we publish new analysis every 5 weeks (35 days) provided you make your desired account changes during the week the analysis is released you should not have any issues with account adjustments. When there are exceptions to this rule (e.g., some funds require holding periods beyond 30 days) our tools will help you customize your changes to avoid any fees.

Is there a minimum amount needed to start?

For employer plans, we suggest that you start with an account of at least $5,000. For IRA accounts less than $50,000 you should select one of our Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) plans. Note that our service is discounted 50% for three years when starting with less than $10,000 to give you a few years to build your account.

How do you decide which funds are best for me?

Our proprietary 3D analysis computer model is applied to each fund choice. Each fund is assigned a score value. Funds with positive score values are considered investment candidates and we never invest in a fund with a negative value as this indicates the fund has been losing money. The percentage amount included in our HORIZONTM Model Portfolio is proportional to the value of the fund’s score. We invest in the top 25-33% of the positive scoring funds. Click here to see how Compass Investors determines the fund Score.

What if I'm already retired?

The service works the same regardless of your age or account size. The only thing that changes as you get older would be the amount of money you want to manage with the service. For example, someone who is retired may wish to put some percentage of their savings into an income-producing fund and manage the remainder with HORIZONTM. The great thing about the service is that you are always in control of how and how much you invest. We provide tools that help you customize your investments to your liking.

What personal information do you need?

We only request information needed to provide you with the Action Report (email) and contact information (telephone, address). You will select your own confidential user name and password to access the service. This information will be encrypted for your protection. We DO NOT collect any confidential account information such as balances and account numbers. We also do not store any payment information as that is provided by a third party payment vendor.

Do you guarantee performance?

All investing involves risk of loss, and as such we – nor anyone else – can guarantee performance. That being said, we feel that our common sense approach to working with, rather than against the market trend, will ultimately result in better performance than any passive, "pie-chart" approach.

What if you don't support my company plan?

Contact us if you do not see your company listed. We are adding new companies every week and would be happy to go over the process of getting your company included with you.

It doesn't cost you anything to find out!

Seeing is believing. Sign up for your free (no credit card required) HORIZONTM trial and let us show you how easy it really is to take control of your retirement future. You'll receive three Action Reports over the next 15 weeks along with access to the instructions and tools needed to align your investments with your best-positioned fund choices. NOTE: This free trial offer is for NEW SUBSCRIBERS only. If you are a former subscriber, please click here.

Your Contact Information

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