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The voice of a satisfied public

National Media

"There seems to be little doubt about how well subscribers to the 401(k) trading service from compass Investors in Kenilworth, III., have fared."
-Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal (9/7/13)

Our Customers

Here are some of the many unsolicited comments from delighted customers. They are so pleased with our service that they have agreed to provide their contact information and answer any questions you might have about their personal experiences with our service.

"I believe your service to be life changing."
- Peg Beavers ([email protected])

"Under the guidance of the Compass Investors team, I feel like my 401k is protected in declining markets and maximized in rising markets."
- Sarah Gibson ([email protected])

"For me, Horizon is the perfect solution. I feel the direction I receive from you is completely sound"
- Doreen L. Noble ([email protected])

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Client Testimonials

Taking the Horizon self-managed option for my University retirement plan might be the best decision I ever made. Even skipping a few Action Reports (like an absent-minded professor) I'm still in very solid shape. With your help I have peace of mind and more money than I ever dreamed I could save in just a few years."

Tim Scherman ([email protected])

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